Orhtodox churches inside Ivangorod Fortress, Russia
Russian orthodox churches inside the walls of Ivangorod Fortress on Russia – Estonia border on a dark stormy day

Panoramic view over Neva river in white night time, St Petersburg, Russia
View through the opened drawbridge Palace Bridge and Neva river to Peter and Paul Fortress at white night time, St Petersburg, Russia

The Palace Bridge on Neva river, St Petersburg, Russia
View through the opened bascule Palace Bridge and Neva river to Peter and Paul Fortress at white night time, St Petersburg, Russia

St Isaac cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russia
St Isaac cathedral in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is the biggest christian orthodox church in the world

Winter Palace on Neva river, St Petersburg, Russia
Winter Palace building housing Hermitage museum reflects in Neva river on dramatic sunrise, St Petersburg, Russia

The Palace Bridge on Neva river, St Petersburg, Russia
View through the opened bascule Palace Bridge and Neva river to Peter and Paul Fortress at white night time, St Petersburg, Russia

St Petersburg, view over Moyka river from Nevsky prospekt
St Petersburg, view over Moyka river from Nevsky prospekt

St. Petersburg, Russia, Peter and Paul fortress
St. Petersburg, Russia, Peter and Paul fortress

Column gallery of Kazan Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Russia
Column gallery of Kazan Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Russia

Aurora Cruiser, St Petersburg, Russia
Aurora Cruiser played an important role in October Revolution 1917, St Petersburg, Russia